Casestudy Haarspullen is an online store with a wide range of hair stuff for Hair & Him. The e-commerce company sells professional hair care and beauty products, for consumers but and offer 24/7 service, also for real hairdressers. The wide online range consists of: hair care, make-up, skincare, tools and basically everything to make yourself even more beautiful, for the best possible price.

    Client:          Haarspullen

    Location:     Zwolle

 Branche:      E-commerce

 Products:     Palletbooster


The demand of the products of kept growing, people were hard to find and also the repetitive work of packing was not the nicest task.

From there Marijn came to the idea of automation, he invited us to come and look at the possibilities and here we came very quickly to the idea of packing the mail carts.

After an hour of brainstorming together we came up with the idea of loading 3 PostNL carts to give the operators time to remove the full postal carts.

Goal: load containers without anyone still holding the box after packing.

I also recommend any webshop with somewhat higher volumes to switch to Cobots.


Na snelle beslissingen hebben we alles op alles gezet om voor Black Friday live te zijn, om gelijk te kunnen knallen!

We hebben een opstelling gebouwd voor waar de inpakker het gevulde doosje door de taper duwt, de barcode wordt gescand om de vervoerder te bepalen & daarna wordt die uit gesorteerd naar de juiste lijn.

Hierna pakt de cobot de doosjes op en plaatst ze in de daarvoor bestemde post kar.

Nu hoeven er geen 2 personen de postkarren in te pakken en kan er in 2 ploegen automatisch ingepakt worden.


More information about automation in your company?

We are always happy to brainstorm with you.