Make an overview of your process
Before the project starts, one of our engineers will visit you to see how your process runs and how we can implement the cobot as well and smoothly as possible. He will also measure all patterns and dimensions, so you don’t have to worry about that.
POC (proof of concept)
In the POC, the selected application is built at our facility in Tiel. The setup is engineered, built and programmed by us.
Development and engineering
Is everything to your liking and do you have confidence? Then our engineers will start to build the complete setup and work out all the adjustments.
FAT test (Factory Acceptance Test)
Once your setup is ready, we invite you for the FAT test. This test takes place at our facility in Tiel. Is it complete, does it meet all expectations?
SAT test (Site Acceptance Testing)
Now, finally, your cobot set-up is built on your production floor and tested again. Are you completely satisfied with all the agreements made? Then your automation can begin!
Training the operators
But we certainly won’t leave you in the lurch! Of course you want to know how the cobot works and how you can work with it. That’s why you can follow a training course with us so that you know all the ins and outs of the setup. Handy right?
Service and maintenance
A stationary cobot system is just like a sick employee on the couch: you want to prevent that or at least keep it as short as possible. That’s why we offer various service packages so that you never have to worry about it again.
Implementing a cobot